Goals Goals Goals…What are those?


Honestly, setting goals was never a big thing of mine. If I wanted something. I would try achieving it, most of the times without a plan of action. The results were always frustrating, because I would lose track and focus on other things.

When I started college, it was a must to set small goals and follow through if I wanted to get ahead. It was a working progress, but I would lose track every now and then, until I became and expert in writing my to do list and checking everything off at the end of the day. It was very rewarding, because my time was managed properly and I always had extra time to socialize( which I love doing).

Well, graduation happened, baby happened, life happened and my goals were out the window. I knew what I wanted out of life, but I just never took the time to write anything down, just because of the same old excuses: “Oh, I don’t have time” “Baby is not giving me the time a day” or I would just simply forget or think of 30000 things to do and then forget again.

It was brought to my attention that I take on a lot of projects and never finish, because of my lack of focus or maybe multitasking too much. I was told if I focus on one project at a time I would accomplish more, than to have multiple unfinished projects. Of course I do tend to multitask a lot with no clear path, just go go go, and in the process I would miss something.


I started writing my to do list again, well a list for almost everything from baby schedule to meal planning and I feel such a great sense of accomplishment at the end of the day.

I took the time to write my personal goals, which is very detailed on when I want to accomplished them, the steps I need  to take and of course organized by types of goals. I have 9 category of goals: Career, Health/Fitness, Education, Relationship, Family, Creative, Spiritual, Travel, Financial Goals. I have a quote next to each type to motivate me and I have it broken down on how I will reach each one.

For example:

Health/Fitness Goals:  I want to be in shape for the rest of my life.

  • I want to lose 10 pounds by August 18,2013
  1. I will exercise every day except Saturdays and Sundays
  2. I will eat a clean diet
  3. Do not eat at any fast food restaurants through September 1
  4. I will make my protein shakes and will be juicing everyday
  5. I will eat more vegetables daily
  6. By June 15, be in the habit of drinking 4 large glasses of water at work every day

It took quite some time, but it is all worth it, because I love seeing where I am going and what I need to improve on.

So, what am I doing? 

I am writing down my to do list based on my goals, I choose one out of each category and everyday I am doing something to bring them to pass. Some of course are shorter then others, but with patience I know if I keep doing what I am doing I will get where I need to be in life and stay focused.

Do you write your goals down or do you think it is a waste of time? do you have a system in place which helps you fulfill your goals?


Take Control of Your Happiness

A couple days ago I downloaded the DailyBible app on my phone, for inspiration and words of wisdom. This morning I wanted to explore the app, when I came across a Joel Osteen audio podcast titled “Take Control of Your Happiness”. 

It was twenty six minutes long, so I decided to listen while I ate breakfast, and man I glad I did. 

As a mom I feel it is necessary to strengthen my spirituality for the sake of my own little family. Though I must admit that I do skip out on church sometimes, and barely could point out a verse in the bible. I was raised catholic, but never felt the teaching was done well enough. I do pray and find the best that works for me to worship.

Alright, now back on the podcast…

“If you spend your life trying to please everyone and trying to make them happy, you might miss your destiny”

I totally agree, because I slightly regret the choice I made in getting my B.S. degree, just because I did not want to disappoint certain people. When I look back I should of always followed my instinct and go after what I really wanted to do. Now even though I am behind on the professional experience when it comes to event planning, I do think now it is time to make myself happy on my career choice. 

He also talked about what the pilots call the four forces : Lift, Thrust, Weight, Drag

 “There are those that “Lift” you up. They brighten your day and make you feel better about yourself. Those that give “Thrust” will motivate you and help you achieve your goals. Than you get to those that are like “Weight”. They are the ones that pull you down, make you feel worse after seeing them, and you feel worse leaving than when you came. Finally there are those that are a “Drag”. They always have a sad story, problem they are facing, and look to you to cheer them up or fix the problem.”

According to the four forces you only want to surround yourself with people who lift you up, and people who thrust you, because if you surround yourself with people who  are weight or drag you will never reach your full potential.

After listening, I started reflecting on my own life to decide if I was a lift, thrust, weight or drag. I wanted to know if I was holding myself back from my destiny. I still believe I am a strong-minded woman, who tries bringing joy wherever I go, because I know I hate feeling down. I know lately though I might have been a drag to my partner, by wanting him to accommodate my needs, so I could go out and work on my business, instead of just taking care of things myself or showing that I am trying.




So, what am I doing? Well I came to the conclusion that no one deserves to be surrounded with negativity, therefore I am surrounding myself with lifters, and thrusters, while I change my attitude to also be a lifter and a thrust-er to everyone around me.


Do you have people around you that lift, thrust, weight or drag you? Or are you doing the lifting,thrusting,weighting or dragging? But the most important question is: what are you doing about it?


Sometimes you g…


Sometimes you gotta create what you want to be a part of. -Geri Weitzman

Some would envy my life, others would think it is insignificant, but I am creating my own destiny.

I recently saw this quote on twitter the other day, and it has dawn on me that I am doing too much researching and less action. As a mom of a 10 month old today (Happy 10 months baby boy), I am usually trying to find the balance to do what I love and being an unselfish mom. My passion is to be a reputable event planner in the near future, but I have no professional experience to show for it. I know I have all the skills in the world, the willingness, the passion, but where are my professional pictures?I have been contacted lately by a couple clients, but of course the only thing they really want to see are the pictures of past events.

I started thinking of different strategies and applied for internships and call several companies to see if they were willing to take a volunteer. FAILED.

So there goes my negative thoughts succumbing my brain. I was frustrated, because there are so much I want to be a part of. I want to own several business, but in that instant moment I felt stuck. So when I read that quote, it changed my attitude. I decided to bring the party to my house, by creating my plan of action so I could be a part of what I want. It is hard to find the balance between being a mom and trying to own several businesses, but a simple quote could motivate you and remind you how incredible you really are.

So what I am doing? I am taking action, even if that means going everywhere with my 10 month old. 🙂 (He’ll enjoy the ride anyways)

Are you creating what you want to be a part of or just waiting for it to happen? What motivated you to create your own destiny?