Goals Goals Goals…What are those?


Honestly, setting goals was never a big thing of mine. If I wanted something. I would try achieving it, most of the times without a plan of action. The results were always frustrating, because I would lose track and focus on other things.

When I started college, it was a must to set small goals and follow through if I wanted to get ahead. It was a working progress, but I would lose track every now and then, until I became and expert in writing my to do list and checking everything off at the end of the day. It was very rewarding, because my time was managed properly and I always had extra time to socialize( which I love doing).

Well, graduation happened, baby happened, life happened and my goals were out the window. I knew what I wanted out of life, but I just never took the time to write anything down, just because of the same old excuses: “Oh, I don’t have time” “Baby is not giving me the time a day” or I would just simply forget or think of 30000 things to do and then forget again.

It was brought to my attention that I take on a lot of projects and never finish, because of my lack of focus or maybe multitasking too much. I was told if I focus on one project at a time I would accomplish more, than to have multiple unfinished projects. Of course I do tend to multitask a lot with no clear path, just go go go, and in the process I would miss something.


I started writing my to do list again, well a list for almost everything from baby schedule to meal planning and I feel such a great sense of accomplishment at the end of the day.

I took the time to write my personal goals, which is very detailed on when I want to accomplished them, the steps I need  to take and of course organized by types of goals. I have 9 category of goals: Career, Health/Fitness, Education, Relationship, Family, Creative, Spiritual, Travel, Financial Goals. I have a quote next to each type to motivate me and I have it broken down on how I will reach each one.

For example:

Health/Fitness Goals:  I want to be in shape for the rest of my life.

  • I want to lose 10 pounds by August 18,2013
  1. I will exercise every day except Saturdays and Sundays
  2. I will eat a clean diet
  3. Do not eat at any fast food restaurants through September 1
  4. I will make my protein shakes and will be juicing everyday
  5. I will eat more vegetables daily
  6. By June 15, be in the habit of drinking 4 large glasses of water at work every day

It took quite some time, but it is all worth it, because I love seeing where I am going and what I need to improve on.

So, what am I doing? 

I am writing down my to do list based on my goals, I choose one out of each category and everyday I am doing something to bring them to pass. Some of course are shorter then others, but with patience I know if I keep doing what I am doing I will get where I need to be in life and stay focused.

Do you write your goals down or do you think it is a waste of time? do you have a system in place which helps you fulfill your goals?
