Take Control of Your Happiness

A couple days ago I downloaded the DailyBible app on my phone, for inspiration and words of wisdom. This morning I wanted to explore the app, when I came across a Joel Osteen audio podcast titled “Take Control of Your Happiness”. 

It was twenty six minutes long, so I decided to listen while I ate breakfast, and man I glad I did. 

As a mom I feel it is necessary to strengthen my spirituality for the sake of my own little family. Though I must admit that I do skip out on church sometimes, and barely could point out a verse in the bible. I was raised catholic, but never felt the teaching was done well enough. I do pray and find the best that works for me to worship.

Alright, now back on the podcast…

“If you spend your life trying to please everyone and trying to make them happy, you might miss your destiny”

I totally agree, because I slightly regret the choice I made in getting my B.S. degree, just because I did not want to disappoint certain people. When I look back I should of always followed my instinct and go after what I really wanted to do. Now even though I am behind on the professional experience when it comes to event planning, I do think now it is time to make myself happy on my career choice. 

He also talked about what the pilots call the four forces : Lift, Thrust, Weight, Drag

 “There are those that “Lift” you up. They brighten your day and make you feel better about yourself. Those that give “Thrust” will motivate you and help you achieve your goals. Than you get to those that are like “Weight”. They are the ones that pull you down, make you feel worse after seeing them, and you feel worse leaving than when you came. Finally there are those that are a “Drag”. They always have a sad story, problem they are facing, and look to you to cheer them up or fix the problem.”

According to the four forces you only want to surround yourself with people who lift you up, and people who thrust you, because if you surround yourself with people who  are weight or drag you will never reach your full potential.

After listening, I started reflecting on my own life to decide if I was a lift, thrust, weight or drag. I wanted to know if I was holding myself back from my destiny. I still believe I am a strong-minded woman, who tries bringing joy wherever I go, because I know I hate feeling down. I know lately though I might have been a drag to my partner, by wanting him to accommodate my needs, so I could go out and work on my business, instead of just taking care of things myself or showing that I am trying.




So, what am I doing? Well I came to the conclusion that no one deserves to be surrounded with negativity, therefore I am surrounding myself with lifters, and thrusters, while I change my attitude to also be a lifter and a thrust-er to everyone around me.


Do you have people around you that lift, thrust, weight or drag you? Or are you doing the lifting,thrusting,weighting or dragging? But the most important question is: what are you doing about it?