Show me the Abs!


I am done with both challenges and the results are IN!! Ok that was 3 weeks ago, so yeah I am super late on the update,

but it’s never too late right? Right!

When I started the challenges I thought they would be a breeze, but little did I know what was in store. The first week was hard to keep the motivation going, but I had to remind myself of my goals, and I also hate quitting.

Clean eating: okay, okay!!! I cheated too many times, but I did eat pretty ok and my portions were calculated most of the times. I downloaded myfitnesspal app again, so I kept track of my calories. It is hard, but I started cheating 2 weeks into my workout, so I am still proud. I eat all wheat anyways, so it was not too hard changing up my food habits, but the cravings of all the “good” stuffs came rushing in all at once.

Abs challenge: oh abs! Where do I begin… when I started I thought it was a joke, but oh man was I wronggggg

Sit-ups: Hate them, because my tailbone just hurt bad when I do them. I had to put a small pillow under my butt to bare the pain.

Crunches: When my body got used to doing them it was not hard going non-stop, but I would just think happy thoughts, because of the pain.

Leg raises: Haha! Those were not made for me, but they are very effective. Sometimes I did them on a parallel bar that we have in our garage, but they are harder and I do remember crying once. Lol! Yep I know, I am a cry baby when it comes to pain, but I sucked it in.

Planks: Not bad, but the last 10 secs are always hard. I am so proud that I can do a 2 min plank, when I would die doing a 30 sec plank. I really had to keep my mind busy until the timer went off. When I felt weak physically, I told myself that I was invincible. Yeppp it works! 🙂

Squat Challenge: I am stronger then I thought, but yes they are painful, but I love seeing my glutes getting back to normal, so I could wear my Brazilian bikinis again. I always felt like the incredible hulk after my squats lol. At some point I thought my thighs would explode, they were so hard. I have a love and hate relationship with squats, but hey what can I do, I want that booty! 🙂

Cardio: I did not do much cardio, but when I did I jumped rope for half hour (jump for 3 mins, power walk for 1), or running outside (running for 2, jogging for 1) or the elliptical machine for 30 min ( I would do the high intensity option) which I usually do 3 miles or up. I don’t really like cardio, but I am proud that I can do 1 mile under 10 mins.

Well, now it is all over!!! Yay!

So, what am I doing?

I am still eating clean, most days, and monday I will start meal planning for the whole family, including baby. We’ll see Haha!

Took a break from working out, because I had too much pressure from my left hip, and holding baby everyday on that same hip is not really helping my recovery process. Well good news is that I am still losing fat, but I am looking like a stick, so I need to go build some muscles.

I want to see result pictures of everyone doing the challenges, so we could motivate others.

What do you find challenging while trying to reach your fitness goals?

Xoxo G